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Setting up Sentry on Your Server with Docker

REMARK: Sentry now has a docker-compose to use

If you want to use Sentry on your server with your custom domain then it is quite easy. Main setup will have:

  • nginx for reverse proxy: requests coming to will be redirected to sentry application runnning in docker.
  • docker for deploying sentry
  • ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04 server (mine was 18:04 from but DigitalOcean or Vultr all works).
  • a domain or possibly subdomain which is already redirecting to our server ip. can check details from
  • letsencrypt for ssl

On Ubuntu 18:04 server, start with installing docker (can skip if you’ve installed):

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install docker-ce

Install nginx

$ sudo apt install nginx

Letsencyrpt for SSL (When certbot asks for nginx settings it doesn’t matter if you choose 1 or 2. We will update the nginx setting files afterwards):

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx
$ sudo certbot --nginx -d

Before moving forward be aware docker messes with the iptables and makes using ufw tricky. What does this mean? Simply when you use docker and expose a port to the server (can be used for any reason) docker doesn’t care about ufw. Therefore make sure you are not exposing the port globally but only localhost.

$ ufw allow https
$ ufw allow ssh
$ ufw allow http

Restart docker and ufw (allow ssh-http-https as shown above).

$ sudo service docker restart
$ sudo ufw reload

Setup sentry using docker in these order. Migrating take some time.

   $ docker run -d --name sentry-redis redis
   $ docker run -d --name sentry-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_postgres_password -e POSTGRES_USER=sentry postgres
   $ docker run --rm sentry config generate-secret-key

keep the generated secret_key to use in the next steps.

   $ docker run -it --rm -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' --link sentry-postgres:postgres --link sentry-redis:redis sentry upgrade

   $ docker run -d -p --name custom-sentry -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' --link sentry-redis:redis --link sentry-postgres:postgres sentry

   $ docker run -d -p --name custom-sentry -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' -e SENTRY_SINGLE_ORGANIZATION=false -e SENTRY_USE_SSL=0 --link sentry-redis:redis --link sentry-postgres:postgres sentry   

   $ docker run -d --name sentry-cron -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' --link sentry-postgres:postgres --link sentry-redis:redis sentry run cron

   $ docker run -d --name sentry-worker-1 -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' --link sentry-postgres:postgres --link sentry-redis:redis sentry run worker

If you were not asked for the superuser while upgrading database then create a new one:

   $ docker run -it --rm -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY='generated_key_from_above' --link sentry-redis:redis --link sentry-postgres:postgres sentry createuser

Go to $ cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ and remove the default setting file if its there with $ rm default. Add the nginx file to that folder with any name. $ nano sentry

 server {
    listen   80;
    real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
    real_ip_recursive on;
    root /var/www/html;
    location ~ /.well-known {
        allow all;

    location / {
      if ($request_method = GET) {
        rewrite  ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
      return 405;

  server {
    listen   443 ssl;

    proxy_set_header   Host                 $http_host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto    $scheme;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For      $remote_addr;
    proxy_redirect     off;

    # SSL configuration -- change these certs to match yours
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

    # NOTE: These settings may not be the most-current recommended
    # defaults
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
    ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:128m;
    ssl_session_timeout 10m;

    # keepalive + raven.js is a disaster
    keepalive_timeout 0;

    # use very aggressive timeouts
    proxy_read_timeout 10s;
    proxy_send_timeout 10s;
    send_timeout 10s;
    resolver_timeout 10s;
    client_body_timeout 10s;

    # buffer larger messages
    client_max_body_size 5m;
    client_body_buffer_size 100k;

    location / {
      proxy_pass        http://localhost:9000;

      add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";

Restart nginx or reload the settings $ sudo service nginx restart

Go to your domain on and can login there with the user created at the last step. login page

Fix default url if its wrong.

fix url

Create a new organization (was Test for me and it will take you to the homepage). main page